SmartWool's Equal...

Now multiply the price by .40 and subtract that to get your 40% discount at Murdochs, and then subtract that from the gift certificate your husband received because he bought a generator to keep your trailer warm at convention.

That all equals a happy Mom, knowing her feet times 4 more will be warm and cozy during these forecast cold/wet days.

Yes, we are still wearing wool up here in Montana! LOL!

Happy Tuesday to all!


Lani said...

Really?! How do you handle the warm season being so short? I don't think I could appreciate it... even with the amazing scenery you have there. I bought Mom some Smart Wool socks for her birthday. Maybe I can convince someone to buy me a pair for mine. :)

Benjamin Ranch said...

sounds like a 'smart' thing to do. Will you wear them inside those cute rubber boots? Have a great conv... I know you will with warm feet and a warm trailer and most important, a warm soft heart.

gkey said...

dear Lookin'Smart,

They ARE the best! I am still pulling mine on of a cool early morning here. Looks like you chose well too.

Smart Wool addict