Oh Ireland!

There are only two places I want to visit someday outside of the Great Ol' USofA and North America as a whole... Ireland and Norway. I may never have the opportunity but I really enjoyed seeing this video the other day. Ireland is part of my history. I think it's beautiful. I look at this day as a day to remember something of my past and share the traditions, beauty and our history with my family.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be at your back.


The J's said...

Ireland is the one country I really really want to visit!

Unknown said...

Well my dear, now you will have a place to stay :) Come see us, you have 3 years to get there before we return! That is we have to get there first!
Oh, I would LOVE it if y'all came!!

Melinda said...

Really enjoyed the video, thanks for sharing!

MaryAnn said...

Wow, it is a beautiful country! I want to go too! Norway, first though ;-)