Two Months Old!

Melita turned 2 months old on April 14th. Here is a video for the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and anyone else who is interested. Oh, and see the soft sewn flannel blanket she's laying on in the video? Thank you Amy! ;)

She's changing so fast we can hardly keep up with her. Here are two more layouts I did for her baby book...

...and the cute knit blanket she's laying on in the above pictures? Thank you Grandma Judy!

We have received so many sweet things for Melita. I can't possibly share them all with you but I do want to point out some of the beautiful handmade things people have made for her... each gift is SO special!



Holly said...

Wow so cute! I think its so cool how your older kids are old enough to really appreciate and interact with Melita:)

Kate said...

so sweet...she is lovely.

Aleta said...


Anonymous said...

Such sweetness. It looks like Colter is okay with the fact that she wasn't the brother he hoped for. :)