Nerdy Thursday

I can't believe I sent my kids off to school looking like this today!

I really had nothing to do with it. Kyla was up before me, organizing everyone's outfits for Spirit Week, Nerdy Thursday at school.

Randy and I were so baffled. We would have never thought of looking like this and going out in public. We were much more timid as children.

Well, maybe I would have dressed up a little, but I would have been much more conservative!

Well, I may have worn mismatched socks and shoes, but I would have never fixed my hair like this!

Okay, I may have fixed my hair like this, but I would have NEVER gone out in public wearing those awful glasses!


Those are my glasses I wore as a child! And I did wear them in public... like every single day...

*clearing throat* Wow, I was really a nerd! I'm surprised Randy married me knowing that our children could turn out like THIS!


The glasses he wore as a child make my glasses look beautiful...

Our poor, poor children. What is dressing up nerdy to them was just a norm for us and maybe still is...

After I ranted and raved this morning about their outfits and sending them to school in such a state, my daughter pointed out that the way I was dressed would fit right in with the theme of the day.

I pointed out that I wasn't dressed yet for the day.

But, she did have a good point...

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!


Anonymous said...

Smiling... just smiling. Great post! I'm so happy for facebook and for being friends with some of the other kids from my high school who have posted old photos to reassure my mind that I wasn't the only one who looked nerdy back then. :)

Duchess said...

I am just enjoying the thing you had to go through. We start out with our mommy-knows-best ideas, and then we evolve into well-maybe-your-idea-is-okay. It is a process in parenthood. Love your sense of humor in self discovery. Colter sure looks like his dad here. The kids are adorable, and I am enjoying Kyla's growing up progress, too. I see it in your comments and in talking to her.

Anonymous said...

Great post. I love it! Your kids appear to have a great sense of humor.

My daughter loved to make fun of the way I dressed as a teenager whenever she would come across old photos. Looking back, it was pretty awful and yet we thought it was all the rave at the time. Interesting how fashions change over time.

Betty Figarelle

Becky H. said...

I LOVE it! I used to so love spirit week at school! I can't believe how much Colter reminds me of Randy in this photo. No, not the nerdiness! ;-)

Raimie said...

Dear Ali,
Mr. Loggerhead and I are busting a gut here! :)

This was an awesome post, my dear!

I can't believe some of the things people wear... I can believe some of the things I WORE!
Nerdy Bird in NE

Aleta said...

Something looked familiar about Kyla, and lo and behold - it was the glasses! I had some exactly like that! Hmmm....

Benjamin Ranch said...

hee-hee, love your post, love your kids nerdy outfits....they did a fantastic job:)

Joellyn said...

Hilarious! Your kids are rock stars. So cute. Yes, we were definitely a little nerdy. A lot nerdy. We can have consolation in the fact that one day our kids will look back and say "What was I thinking when I wore that???"

Paige's Parents said...

I don't usually use this but...LOL!!!
I LOVE this post and picture. I loved spirit week in school, always fun. Oh, and you should find consolation in the fact that when we were all younger, back when you wore your hair like that, and those glasses, etc. that I always thought you were so pretty and cool :) And I'll never forget the time when my mom bought a whole bunch of yours (and your sisters) clothes at a yard sale one time, I was soooo excited to wear them!

The J's said...

Haha, this is great! What a laugh! Yes, my kids will wear things that I wouldn't have dreamed! Sounds like we all have our years of nerdy-ness! :)

Anonymous said...

A.W.E.S.O.M.E post!

Thanks for the laughs!


Ryan said...

Very Funny! I remember wearing a pair of glasses like that. (: