
I've been away for a while.

We've all been away for a while.

In fact, this is the longest outing we've ever taken since we've been a family.

It's been wonderful. It's been rich. It's been epic.

It's been all of the above.

Tonight I find myself struggling with the fact that tomorrow we will return to r.e.a.l. life.

I'm going to miss every minute and every mile, every special place, and every special face we've left behind us,

I'm going to miss the adventures each new day brought,

I'm going to miss the map in one hand because the GPS didn't always know the way; and I'm going to miss the camera in my other hand.

But most of all I'm going to miss the 24/7 time spent with my family, all 5/6th's of them.

Many pictures and posts to come...

Tours Yruly,


Darcie said...

Alison!!! I have missed you and your sweet family! I was just thinking today that it has been FOREVER since I have seen a post from you(actually missed a couple post). Great to stop by your "Front Porch" for a visit.

PS...did you get off FB? Was going to leave you a message, but couldn't find you.

Aleta said...

My dear, sweet "sister",

How well you put into words how even I felt after coming home from our trip. There is that struggle, that sense of loss -of adventure past, but the sense of a great gain too - precious memories to hold on to. Can't wait to see your pictures!

Miss you all!

Heather said...

Wow, awesome picture!!!

Anonymous said...

I know where you have been! Great photo! Can't wait to see more photo memories and I love the way you put the non photo memories into beautiful words. Happy summer, friends!

Melinda said...

Love the pic, love the words, and love you all. Can't wait to see more!