For the Love of Silver

Uncle Joe took Randy stream fishing for Silver Salmon on both Friday and Saturday. These two are old fishing buddies and back here in Montana they enjoyed a number of fishing trips together. I think they had a good time and a successful couple of days. They limited out on Salmon and the first day they took them into a local fish processor to be smoked and packaged up.

I think they did a combination of fly fishing and bobber fishing between the two of them. Whatever they did, they were knocking 'em dead! Nice one Joe...
Apparently they where not the only ones who love the Silver! This little cub was hanging around the stream picking up what he could. They kept their eyes out for a Mama Sow but never saw one. Maybe he was all alone in the world...
But here is evidence that a bear of the bigger sort had been around fairly recently...
A beautiful place...
These Salmon are in their spawning season. They are headed from the ocean up the streams to where they were born. When there, they lay their eggs and die. This pink color is very common during the time they are spawning...
They didn't keep any fish on the second day of fishing. Really you can only use so much fish I guess. Catch and Release works well... or giving it away to the big-eyed little boy just down the stream. He told his Grandpa "it won't even fit in the bucket!"
Do we have to leave now?..
Karen and I walked out to visit them. Here we are looking upstream...
And this is looking downstream. Randy said that as the tide would come in on the ocean, the rushing of the water going downstream would fade away and the rocks (in the picture below) would gradually disappear under water. Then before long the water would be flowing in the opposite direction! Nature continues to amaze!
They say a bad day fishing is still better than a good day at work. But, work must be done and the fish left behind for another day...

Thank you SO much Uncle Joe!



Darcie said...

Now that I actually have a hankering for fishing it makes me what to come through this here screen and try my hand at catching one of those awesome fish! What fun they must have had.

As for your comment on my blog are the sweetheart! I am glad the comments make your day.

Heather said...

Fun to see all your alskan picures! Looks like you had a splendid time and little Alita cooperated quite well. Thanks for sharing!

Melinda said...

Nice! Thanks for sharing all these photos. What a beautiful place! Loved the post about the surprise and the air travel. Can tell that was a BIG deal to you. Would have been to me too. Glad it went smoothly for the most part and you were able to enjoy the experience.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome! It was our pleasure. Oh, and by the way, our B&B is now booked up through 2012.
Unc Joe