Hello! and Oh Yeah!

Here is a little glimpse of Melita these days.  Grandma, she likes to talk to you on the phone.  Thought you would enjoy!  Notice her summer hat and her winter boots-two of her very prized possessions.  Oh, and calculators make great cell phones too.

Some other things she loves right now...

-copying everything we say!  We all get such a kick out of this, especially when she tries to say those big words and complete sentences.
-putting lotion on her hands and rubbing it around ;)
-running up to us and saying "C'MON, C'MON!"  Then she grabs our finger and pulls us off to see something or to get something down for her to play with.
-walking down the stairs using the handrail and jumping off the last step.
-begs to go "side, side, side (outside)".
-(I'll try to think of some more...)

Hope all are having a super week!
Alison and family


Aleta said...


Traci K said...

So cute!

The J's said...

That's so cute!

Lani said...

Sweet. Lovin' that family picture all in blue over on the left sidebar there, too!

Benjamin Ranch said...

Fun to see little M. doing the same thing that Eva does...talking on her pretend phone while walking about...so very cute!