Two More

Okay, it's 10:30 and I'm headed to bed now.  I just whipped out these two more pages for the family album while I was waiting for Melita to go to sleep.  She and I have been partners in misery (not really) these last few days with head colds.  Kyla too.  But Melita's moved into her ears, like they always do, so after a trip to the dr. yesterday, and a resulting round of antibiotics, she's feeling much better.  And now she's asleep, after playing in her crib for a while, and I will be sleeping soon (hopefully) too, after playing in my picmonkey for a while.  ;)

Some have asked about my scrapbooking.  I do all my pages either on "My Digital Studio" by Stampin' Up or on good ol' Picmonkey for free on the internet.  Lately, I've been just using Picmonkey because it's pretty fast and I love the simple pages with only pictures.  I LOVE fancy scrapbooking (it's ART, I tell ya) but right now, I'm going for the fast and furious.  I like our pictures to speak for themselves.  I love doing MDS for many of my pages too and I'm excited to get back to that soon.  As for now, PICMONKEY and COSTCO all the way!

Goodnight to all...

1 comment:

Jackie said...

PicMonkey is my best friend! I wish I had more time to play around and fix all my photos but I usually just focus on the good ones. I am hoping a new camera might make my photos look better on their own.