These Days...

This is the only V-day decorations up at our house right now.  As a matter of fact, this is pretty much the only decorations up in our whole dining room, living room and entry way right now, due to lots of house updating going on over here!  Colter cut out the hearts for me with the scroll saw and drilled holes in them and I modpodged them with pretty paper and then used a little silvery spray paint to finish them up.  Then I hung them last evening with gray shimmery ribbon. 

Randy's been painting the walls lately.  We got new floors put in a couple weeks ago.  New trim, area rugs, and couches are next on the list.  I'm loving the simple, easier to clean, updated, freshened-up look.  I'm hoping to keep this thought in the forefront of my mind as we start bringing the furniture, decorations, and clutter back into this living space!  We need it but... maybe not ALL of it!?!?!?  

Thursday marks the birthday of a special little girl in our lives!  Can't believe she is TWO years old already!  I find myself thinking a lot about this special week two years ago and it makes me feel warm, happy, and loved. 

So, so much in our years! 

So much GOOD! 

These days are busy ones for us.  But bring on each day.  ALL of it.

Enjoy your days ahead too,


Jackie said...

I love those hearts, he did a great job! I would like to experiment with mod podge more...light switch covers etc. I also like the quote, I have been focusing on the bad too much, and then the good hits me across the head and I remember we are really blessed. :)

Traci K said...

Very creative! I love that quote too! Just last night I was grumbling about how much I had to do. Need to see the big picture here!!
We did floors too and got a couple rugs just a couple weeks ago (couches on the list too here):). Guess it's in the air, huh? Can't wait to see your finished product!

MaryAnn said...

Like like like!!!