March School Days...

March seemed like it was a busy month with School related stuff. Here are a few things that we had going on...

I'm still working on pages for the rest of March.  Will post soon!  For now, I must get to bed.  Kyla and I are headed off tomorrow on an "adventure".  Remote cabins with no electricity, no cell coverage,  a little orienteering and hiking around in Glacier Park for the next couple days sounds like a blast, right?  Snow, rain, temps in the teens and twenties, and the chaperoning of twenty-some 11/12 year olds?  I'll let you know how it goes... just as soon as I recover.  Oh, and Dad will be taking over this Mom's chores while I'm gone as he attempts to "work from home".  Should be fun all the way around. :)

Until next time!

1 comment:

Raimie said...

Dear Ali, looks like march was marvelous. enjoy your trip! ;p