Bambi and Whhhooo?

Randy took the picture of the baby fawn above. I wonder if he is hoping that no one sees him in the tall grass? Randy almost stepped on him until someone pointed the little guy out. And the Momma must have been standing nearby hoping he wouldn't be seen either...


"whhhooo are yooou looking at?"
Later in our travels someone told us about this baby owl so I went and found him perched in the tree by the nest. Looks like he had outgrown the nest and he was probably waiting for night when he would fly away and find something to eat. When I see those beady eyes, I'm glad that I'm not a field mouse.

Back to laundry duty...

Catch you later,


Carin said...

WoW!!! So, so cool!!!! How close did that owl let you get? Looks like you are RIGHT there! AWESOME shots Alison!

Alison said...

I zoomed in on the owl a bit but he let me get pretty close. I moved around to the other side of the tree and his head moved around and his eyes followed me... cute, fuzzy little guy but doesn't seem like the friendly type!