Camas Prairie

On the prairie, what you are left with is the bare truth, the land pared down to the bone,
the basic dirt and grass and sky that shape the lives that play out upon it.

~Tom Groneberg, The Secret Life of Cowboys (2003)

Last weekend, the kids and I took a quick trip west to see some relatives. Every time we take this route, I love dropping over the mountain and seeing the first glimpse of this expanse of prairie below. This time, we stopped and took some pictures.
At first I didn't want the kids to get out but then I let them and they kept telling me, "Mom, take a pictures of this!" It was an unexpected pleasant stop on our 4 hour journey!
I found myself on the rest of the journey saying to the kids, "Look at that, isn't it so pretty!" Life is much more enjoyable looking for all the beauty in life-even if it is a little hard to find sometimes. This is what I try to remind myself of anyway...
That's why God gave us eyes, so we can see all these wonderful things!~Colter (age 7)

Hope you find something wonderful and beautiful in your day!

1 comment:

Benjamin Ranch said...

I love this post. Sometimes we just have to open our eyes and look for the beauty in our day and in our surroundings, and take note of it.