School Pictures 2009 and my Rose Colored Glasses

Here are some things I want to remember about Kyla at this age...

-She loves to read (by herself or to her brother and sister) and we often have to "ground" her from reading because she would read her hours away and do nothing else if we let her. ;o)
-She loves people and animals (especially horses and dolphins).
-She likes her piano lessons and has been passing her songs every week.
-She is my supper salad maker.

Here are some things I want to remember about Colter at this age...

-He has a sense of humor and he can be very definite about what he thinks. ;o)
-He loves to ride bike, draw pictures, and build stuff with whatever he has available.
-He is a good eater and enjoys his food very much!
-He has his own running clothes and likes to "go running" like daddy.

Here are some things I want to remember about Maya at this age...

-She seems to finally be kicking her "finger sucking" habit and as a result she talks non-stop! ;o)
-She likes to tell people that her mommy is teaching her "preschool".
-Oh my can she giggle.
-Besides playing with all her "kids" (dolls) for hours, she also likes to sneak the dog in the house and play with her until Mom sends her back outside.

Likely I will be updating these lists as I think of more stuff I want to remember. It occurred to me today that it might be a fun way to record some of these little things that we might one day forget...

Have a wonderful weekend,

P.S. I just read through this and realized that a few of my statements might sound like I'm bragging so I thought about deleting/changing them and then I thought that wouldn't seem quite right so... I'm sorry if it seems a little braggy, but I don't care to remember anything bad and I do want to remember all the good so just skip over those parts... Thankyouverymuch. ;o)


Carin said...

Those are such great school photos. did you photoshop them at all? Because around here you get NOTHING as nice as those, trust me. I don't even get the pictures, LOL! Your kids are so adorable!

Anonymous said...

I didn't once think braggy. I thought... they would be so fun to know. I wish I had written down things about my kids a those ages.

Great pictures!

Heather S said...

it's not braggy. it's being PROUD of your kids. And we ALL do it! Adorable pics!

Dale or Bonnie said...

"braggy" is the moms..(and grandparents :<)) privilege... and its OK when its TRUE! Love your kids and their individual personalities! And love their school pictures too.

Ryan said...

One of the advantages of a blog is 'remembering' things like this!

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only parent in the world who "grounded" her kids from books!

AmyB said...

I love what you wrote about your kids. Not bragging at all - they sound like sweet, fun, smart kids!

Alison said...

Carin, I did edit these pictures a bit. Seems like their never perfect but maybe that's what makes them "perfect school pictures"! I know what you mean though, I have considered not getting them to but then I kind of give in to tradition I guess.

Melinda said...

Sister, you are precious. And those kids - absolutely, extraordinarily adorable! We love you all so much.

Ethel said...

brag away! celebrate the wonderful kids you've been blessed with! love your blog!

Elissa & Logan said...

This is special :)