Strokes, Kicks and Bubbles

Kyla learning the butterfly stroke above and Colter getting some help from his teacher below...

Maya trying back gliding to go along with her bubbles...

Kyla with her teacher...

Colter trying some freestyle to go along with his kicks...

Kyla going back and forth learning her stokes...

and Maya getting help from her teacher.

And I'm still trying to overcome my lifelong dislike of having water up my nose,


Alison said...

I just realized that's probably why they have the first class "bubbles"- so they can learn how to keep the water out of their noses by blowing bubbles. Hmmm, maybe I missed that part. I guess I need to start from the beginning and have my kids teach me. If only it didn't take me a half an hour to get in the pool as I ease my way in inch by inch... GASP!

Alison said...

...and DON'T you dare push me in or you'll be in BIG BIG trouble!!!

Alison said...

Is it considered "talking to myself" if I write comments to myself? Just wondering...

I think I need to go to bed now.


Yeah, Goodnight.

Darcie said...

Trust me...I am right there with you! I still plug my nose to this day...guess I didn't ever learn it properly.

Just now read the above are so funny! Don't worry...I talk to myself too...just not in the comment section. ;-)

gkey said...

dear She waded in the water and water up her nose,

Ahhhh, summer swimming lessons. It is so good for them. Our kiddos have all done it. They get their swimming talents from their dad though, as i have never really liked the getting my head wet thing. I remember once on the first day of swimming lessons i went to the edge of the pool, dipped my big toe in and delcared i wasn't ready for lessons in that big pool afterall and we went to the baby pool...(again) It wasn't until i was 16 that i even went out where i could not touch. Still, i don't like to be in water where i can't see the bottom, and i am not at all crazy about boating either.
The beach, but am a land~lubber at heart

The Rancher's Wife Kate said...

Ha Alison...I loved your post...but your comments even more. :)
We are hoping to start swimming lessons this July.

Lisa McConnell said...

We've just finished lessons today! Caden still doesn't like going under too much, but Micayla loves blowing bubbles, jumping in, etc. Hoping Caden overcomes his fear!