Memory Lane Monday: School Band Days

Melinda and I practicing (above) probably in about 1990. Melinda and John practicing together (below) in 1994.
I had to share these pictures today for my brother and sister. It is fun to see "together" moments like this after all these years! Makes me miss them and our ordinary days together when we where younger.

And I'd love to pick up that trombone and try my hand at it again! Wouldn't my kids love to see me play that... ;)

What's around the next corner on Memory Lane?
See you next Monday!

From This Front Porch

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Anonymous said...

Wow loved this post :) Just like I remember you guys! :)

gkey said...

dear Musical Memories,
I bet you could really rock the trombone again if you had the chance. You should do it for you, AND do it for your kids!
Making music is in my 'krews' blood here, and I love seeing it and hearing it.

Music in any form