Forgotten Yeast Fix!

my "forgotten yeast fix" cinnamon rolls without one large pan that already got eaten

Yes, the yeast is slightly important when you are making bread. Since I have been making very large batches of bread, I have forgotten to add the yeast to my dough twice! The first time I did it, I cried bitter tears because I thought of all that flour (almost 13 cups), and honey (3/4 cup), and all the rest that I would have to throw away!!! After I dried my tears, I did a quick search on google to see if I could fix my mess. I couldn't believe it! The dough COULD be saved!!! It just meant I would have to make cinnamon rolls with it instead of bread loaves.

So the second time I forgot yeast I did the same thing again and skipped the tears... who can argue with putting cinnamon rolls in the freezer!

Head on over here to Country Kitchen Recipes to see what I did!

I gotta stop doing this,

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