Melita: Oatmeal Indulgence

Someone pointed out a while ago that there is a German Coffee brand called Melitta which we had no a clue of when we named our baby 'Melita' back in February. Apparently they sell coffee and coffee products and one of their slogans goes like this... "Melitta: Coffee Indulgence" -hence the quirky name of this post. Another slogan is "When it's time for Me, it's time for Melitta". Whatever...

Really, babies and coffee obsessions don't have anything to do with each other, so I have no idea why I'm going on about this...

Or do they? What happens if you throw a half cup of Stone Ground Oatmeal into a little coffee grinder and turn it on for a few seconds?

It grinds the oatmeal to powder, just perfect for making baby cereal! That's what we've been doing here lately.

And she seems to be pretty happy about her "oatmeal indulgence"...
Yes, we have finally started Lita on "real food", as the kids call it.

In reality, she hasn't been enjoying it completely. Most of what goes in, comes out...still after two weeks, which is a great source of giggles all around our kitchen table. So, we scoop it back in again and slowly, she is taking to it more and more these days. The kids think it's great fun to help feed her...
Avocados, sweet potatoes, banana's, apple sauce, and cereal. That's what she's been introduced to so far. Yum Yum!!!

What?!?! Baby food isn't for you?

Well here's some things we've been enjoying lately that you might like ...
Made from rhubarb and raspberries fresh from our garden. You can find these recipes and many, many more at

We are also enjoying potatoes, onions, yellow squash, peas, cucumbers and beans from the garden. The apple tree has the biggest crop of apples yet on it and we may get more than one plum this year on our plum tree! Yay!

Yes, we are indulging in all these good things that don't necessarily have anything to do with coffee, Melitta coffee that is...

But I have to agree, "When it's time for Me, It's time for Melita" She's pretty fun to feed! ;)



Heather said...

Its funny I have a melita coffee maker and melita filters so everytime I make coffee I think of her! When I heard her name I said "like the coffee filters"? Ive never tried their coffee though, but I do think of coffee when I hold her. ;) j/k She is so precious right now, I just love her smile. VEry cute skirts!! (and i love her little coffee name, what could be better than coffee or babies)

Alison said...

haha Heather, we are so clueless! I guess you could share a name with much worse things! Most people think happy, pleasant, loving thoughts when it comes to coffee. ;)