
For the last few weeks, I've been in the declutter, throw away, get rid of, organize, simplify mode. I have found so many helpful blogs and I've loved gaining new ideas to keep things looking neater and keep life running smoother. So, I've made a couple trips to the Goodwill and I've listed several items on Craig's List and some of them are going out the door this weekend. The kids have been helping me by going through their things and giving up stuff they don't really use/need anymore. I'm in the process of putting some make-ahead meals in the freezer and I've been working on several other projects that I will share in the future.

My friend Joellen over at Montana Prairie Tales has been doing a Friday organization assignment and one of those assignments was to... Organize Your Fridge. I love the idea of putting all the sandwich stuff together on a tray or in a container, to easily slip it out when you need it and then put it all back away when done (picture above). I pack my kids lunches every morning and already I am seeing the benefits the this easy, quick organizing tip. Thanks Joellen!

I took it one step further and made up a snack container that will help me in packing lunches too. After school, the kids can pull it out, have a snack and easily put it back away...
With all this "organizing" going on you would think that my house would look much better than it really does. But Randy's been gone all week and Melita has been sick and the kids have been having fun! So, I aspire to be a little more organized than I was last week and that makes me happy!

Have a HAPPY and safe weekend everyone!


Melinda said...

Way to go! Looks great!

So sorry about little Lita being sick and with hubby gone and all, you poor thing. Sorry I didn't call!

Hope you're all doing better though. Love you so much!

The J's said...

Love these ideas! Happy Organizing, it does help keep us a bit more sane!

Joellyn said...

For all my organizing aspirations there are still cupboards and drawers (and whole rooms) o would be embarrassed for anyone to see. Organization is an ongoing effort, for sure!

Love the snack bin idea. I might have to try that one.

Hope you are all feeling better!

All American Family said...

Great ideas. Thanks for sharing!