Simplify: Week 2

It's the age old question....

How do I get my kids to pick up after themselves?!?!?!

I've more than pulled my hair out over this at times. I've tried many things over my 11-year parent pilgrimage.

My latest effort has been "the ten cents bin" and so far it's working great! After the kids leave for school in the morning and then after bedtime in the evenings, I go around the main part of the house and anything that has been left "out of place" gets thrown in the bin. That way, I'm not nagging but they are held responsible for anything that's left out. Oh, and I make a little money for my pick-up efforts around the house.

I made a little over three dollars this last time we went through it; from accumulated stuff over the weeks before. Hmmmm.... I'm not gonna get rich but maybe in the long run it'll pay off! Often my kids will come to me, holding out a dime, and say something like... "I had to get my sweatshirt out of the ten cents bin".

Now that my kids are older, I feel like more than ever they should be responsible about picking up after themselves. It makes all of our lives a little easier. But on the other side of the dime, I don't want to be bugging them all the time. I don't like myself when I become a nagging, obsessed fanatic. So, this just seems like a win-win situation to me no matter how you flip the coin. And a few of Randy's and my things have ended up in the bin too. It's a good reminder for all of us!

Do you have any good tips on helping children learn and remember to pick up?

Have a great weekend everyone!

P.S. Lest you think I am robbing my kids blind, I must point out that each week they get paid for doing the neighbors dog chores, well over what they have had to pay for their misplaced items. Plus, they have the opportunity to earn back their money by doing chores. Chores like making their bed, helping with meals, clearing their plates and... picking up after themselves. You know... money speaks louder than all my words. Nough said!


Wrena said...

It works here too :D I love your wordage ;) gracefully said

The J's said...

I hit the "love" button~

Joellyn said...

I adore this idea and must give it a try.

HrdWrknmn said...

Another awesome idea! Big Guy told me the other day that if he only had a few toys to pick up that he wouldn't mind helping so much. So I took three boxes of toys to the basement. They have one small tub of books and each have one little basket of toys in their room. It has made life easier!!!! When they get bored with the toys and books we switch them out with ones from the basement.