Four Smiles

I did it again... got the kids school pictures taken. I wasn't super happy with them but again, it's kind of a tradition. Instead of scanning them all and putting them on here this year, I thought I would just take a picture of the wall where they hang. I like how Melita's 8x10 picture turned out.

I found the wall saying at Target I think. "The greatest joy in life is to see those you love happy." I liked it but if I could change it I would say... "One of the greatest joys in life is to see those you love happy", because I have so many "greatest joys"!

Sending you four smiles today,


Melinda said...

I love these four and their sweet, sweet smiles. Can't wait to see you all in person.

I like the saying too. Another of my favorites is: The greatest joy in life is to be convinced you are loved. Yes, there are many "great joys!"

The J's said...

Aw, Love it!