Chocolate Update and Loaded Fruit Smoothies

I'm still here and I do have some posts coming up but they will have to wait for another day. Since I spent all my "blogging time" this morning on the post below which I posted over at the exercise blog, I just thought I would post it on my blog too. Sorry it's a little wordy...

I don't know how to put my feelings into this post this morning. But, I will do my best. When Sarah posted her new years resolutions (about eating no chocolate for the year) I immediately thought, "ridiculous". But almost as fast as I thought that, I thought. "YOU NEED TO DO THIS!" I very quickly decided to do it and I haven't looked back. It has been one of the best health decisions I have made.

When I was in college, I used to drink a daily dose of diet coke and when I got married I continued my habit. One day, my husband and I just decided to quit pop and we did. That's been nearly 14 years ago and we haven't touched pop since. In fact, when I think of drinking it, it makes me ill, just to think of it. Later we cut out all juices, opting instead for the real thing... fruit! So, I haven't had juice in the house for years other than for special occasions or an occasional package of juice boxes to send with the kids for lunch. I do let my kids have pop and juice occasionally at restaurants or at friends houses because I do want them to be able to start making their own decisions. Hopefully they will see the value of make wise decisions for their health. But I won't be surprised if they turn out just like me when they hit college and independent life ;) Everyone has to live and learn.

I don't know if it's a character flaw or benefit, but when I make a decision to do something it's all or nothing for me. It seems like if I allow myself some allowances and say... "I will just have one piece of chocolate a day", I will fail miserably. But if I say... "I will have NO chocolate", that is something I can stick too. It's a no tolerance policy! And it's working again. Thanks Sarah for putting the idea in my head.

During the holidays, when I loading up on sweets, I just felt sick. This scares me because there is Diabetes in my family and some autoimmune diseases. I was not feeling so well when I woke up in the mornings. Brain fog, lack of motivation, back pain. I'm feeling great now and it's all because I just decided to cut out chocolate. When I crave a treat or some munchies or something to drink I go through a decision process. In the past I would always choose chocolate if it was in the house. If I was in town I was always talking myself into grabbing a candy bar at the check stand or stopping to get a mocha. Now since I can't have chocolate I can much more easily talk myself out of these moments of pointless indulgence. If I can't have chocolate, what's the point of eating something that will just make me regret it later! I think cutting out chocolate is more than half the battle for me on my journey to eating healthier. I have no doubt I will be able to keep this resolution!

I haven't been exercising much lately. I hope to get back at it soon. Even without exercise I have dropped over 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks. My weight has been steadily decreasing since the first of the year and I know this will continue with my changed eating habits alone. Adding my exercising back in can only benefit me more.

I wanted to share this with you...

3/4 to 1 cup of Almond Milk
Handful of spinach
1/4 to 1/2 lemon with yellow skin cut off
2 different fruits (one frozen or both)
15 to 20 drops of stevia
1 teas flax seed oil
1 teas olive oil
1 teas flax seed
1 teas chia seed
Add ice if you don't have frozen fruit.

Combine all in a high powered blender and liquify. Enjoy!

My mom passed this along to me. Actually when she makes it, she uses 1 tablespoon of both oils and of the chia seeds and 2 tablespoons of the flax seed. I usually make if for a mid morning "snack". If you don't know about flax seed and chia seeds, click here... FLAX SEEDS/OIL or here... CHIA SEEDS

Have a great weekend everyone! Keep up the good work.


Melinda said...

Love the motivational speech! I needed that:)

Also love this smoothie recipe. We've been using it a lot lately. Also a great way to eat kale. I love how the boys guzzle it down, when they wouldn't touch kale in a green salad with a ten foot pole ;)

Ethel said...

delish! love the picture of your kiddos on the side there with the girls and their flowers!!

Jolene said...

Yummy! Gotta start eating better myself!