Oh, Nothing...

"How do you do Nothing?" asked Pooh, after he had wondered for a long time.

"Well, it's when people call out at you just as you're going off to do it. 'What are you going to do, Christopher Robin?', and you say; 'Oh, nothing', and then you go and do it."

~A.A. Milne
The House At Pooh Corner

Last week my computer was sitting on the floor and Melita went over and started playing on the keys. She nearly erased my entire picture memory from 2011. It was the only place I had any of 2011 pictures saved. Can you imagine? The year of the new baby in our house? The year of so many things to remember? Gone at the click on a single button, leaving us with nothing from 2011. NOTHING!!! Eeeek! It was totally my fault and I was very upset with myself. Luckily that one button didn't get pushed but that very evening I backed up all my picture files from as far back as 2004! Now we have them in 3 places! Whew!!! That was to close!

Needless to say, I've been enjoying all of these sweet pictures of the kids from past eight years. The above pictures of Kyla and Colter were taken in March of 2006, shortly after we moved into our new house out in the country. The feelings of anticipation, eagerness, and freedom come flooding over me as I look at them and remember our excitement to have a new place to call home and... we were all sharing in it together. I'm so thankful, so VERY thankful!

I am not so thankful that Picnik will no longer be available to edit my pictures in the near future. Very, very sad in fact. Picnik has been like a good friend to me and I don't see how I can go on without it! Does anyone know of any other great, easy, free (or inexpensive), fast editing software that has, like, SO MANY wonderful editing options?!?! Do tell!

Uhhmmm, do you have a blog you'd like to share with me? Your blog or a friends blog or just a blog that inspires you with creativity or inspiration? I would like to know about it because sometimes I go on blog journeys and it would would be fun to look into some new ones that I don't already know about. Thanks so much! And... I am trying to be better about leaving comments. Please leave me one today and make me smile... :)

Happy "nothing" day,



Anonymous said...

Adorable photos!! Glad you didn't lose your photos - the fear of this digital age! I use Photoshop Elements for all my editing / digital scrapbooking - not free, unfortunately! :) Sending smiles from MI ... have a happy day!

Jackie said...

I know, Picknik has been wonderful for me! so bummed!
Two sites that I recently discovered and have to explore:

Seeing your kids in light jackets in the photos gets me excited to put all my winter gear away....maybe soon?
Happy Wednesday!

Mo said...

Happy Wednesday Alison! I feel the same way about Picnik after just recently being told about it from a co-worker. I just started using it some and really, really like it. Sad it's going away :(

Have a great day! Cute pictures! :)

Ryan said...

Isn't it fun to look through old pictures and see how far the kids have come? Glad you didn't lose the pictures!

Heather S said...

someone shared with me a couple of places that are SIMLIAR to picnik. When i locate them i will share them with you!

Darcie said...

I too am so bummed about Picnik! If I find something comparable, I will let you know.

I was reading your above post, but just leaving the comment down here...I too often wonder about how comes to my blog. The reason I follow certain blogs, is because of the connection. If a blog gets to widely known, for some reason I find myself pulling away. I find myself in enjoying blogs that don't write for the audience, but for themselves...like you said...from the heart.

Heather S said...


this link is the one i was thinking of.. it has a few options to check out. haven't looked into them yet. i have a feeling it'll be hard to beat picnik

Anonymous said...

http://www.befunky.com/ :) Won't play with it much until picnik closes though.

Alison said...

Thank you for all the smiles! Thanks for the site Heather. It looks like there is some good information there!

Now, shall we all have a moment of silence because Picnik?..............
................ I keep hoping that they will reconsider or something.

Alison said...

Thanks Erin!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just used the befunky site. It's very similar to picnik. :) Just posted some pictures....

Kris j said...

I use photoshop elements on the computer and instagram or camera ++ on my phone.

A couple of blogs I like to read that are just about real life are Unhistoric Acts found here http://georgeeliotclub.typepad.com/. And Live from Tormville
http://sharyntormanen.typepad.com/. I have been feeling the same about some of the blogs I used to love reading. Glad for their success, but so love to read about real life..

Kris J

Susy Benjamin said...

I recently found a recipe blog that has awesome recipes!! You might be interested in it.
My favorite so far is the applesauce pancakes that are egg free!!