friday photo dump 11/2

Here's another instaweek...

1.dollar bin stickers are a great paper craft find 2.Lita cleaning out her own pumpkin 3.tea and cookies on a Saturday afternoon 4.Colter and Daddy taking care of the burn pile 5.quiet morning 6.Maya's mask-Happy Halloween! 7.Jackolanterns 8.hunting in the snow 9.beautiful 10.snowgirl 11.more sewing 12.carving pumpkins with our buddy Lance 13.pumpkin glazed cookies by Kyla-yum! 14.their creations ;) 15.tea time with Anna and kiddos-Thanks!

1 comment:

Ruth S. said...

I enjoy the snapshots of your week. Thought of you this week as I enjoyed sipping tea in my Montana mug!