friday photo dump 11/9/12

1.One vote 2.Randy's Buck 3.Lita loves to help put away the silverware ;) 4.Love this sight, even if it isn't correct posture. 5.trying out a new tomatoey juice combination 6.sunset 7.meat processing with help 8. "Do one thing every day that makes you happy." 9.pretty leaf hanging by Maya from school these sleepy scenes-precious! 11.ready to make some juice! 11.meat packaging with more help12. washing sleeping bags at the launderymat pictures on the wall...finally evening at Famous Daves

Happy weekend to all,


Ryan said...

Lovin' these photo dumps! Congrats to Randy! And thanks for the reminder to get to the laundromat with our sleeping's been on the to-do list(:

Jackie said...

Yay! Meat in the freezer! Gotta love that feeling :)

Traci K said...

Fun to see your going's on. Wondering how you like your meat grinder? I have a kitchen aid and have thought about getting one, but wondered how well they work? Looks like you've got some good hamburger going there.:)