friday photo dump 12/21/12

1.a friday night with friends 2.class stocking stuffers and teachers gifts for Colter and Maya 3.presents in the mail are so exciting!-thanks J & K and kiddos 4.hanging stockings with care 5.Randy pulling the kids behind the 4-wheeler in the sled 6.Maya's school concert 7.Kyla's star pretzel button treats for class 8. and 9.Chantry and Emma's swimming birthday party with Daddy by the fire 11.decorating "gingerbread houses" with Maya's class 12.Suessical the Musical 13.Winter Solstice-looking forward to longer days ahead! 14.this little snowflake after her concert 15.another colorful decoration from the craft room :)

Happy Winter Solstice!

1 comment:

Heather said...

love your dumps, fun to catch up again!!