Title Pages

My next goal is to get a family pictures for 2013 title page!

These were fun,

And 2007 has begun...

Couldn't resist sharing my title page for 2007.

We had wonderful days of special meeting privilages this last weekend and now we're back at it.

Hope all are well.

Excited about 2007 and beyond,

Stepping back to 2006

This is a long post but wanted to share some of my favorite pages from  my 2006 Album.  I did 64 pages in all so this is really just a small sampling. ;) I'm happy to have it all done and on the shelf!

Hope all are having a good "end of the year"!  All is well here.  Thankful for special time spent with Randy's family for Thanksgiving and looking forward to more special times coming up!

Because I lack the ability to write anything that is "blog worthy" anymore, I'll just let this be all.

Sending best wishes,
Alison and family