Starting Tomatoes

A week ago, Randy started tomato plants. Here is the "how-to" for you Keith N. and anyone else who is interested...

He used a plastic produce container we had on hand and placed 12 dirt pellets inside...

Here he poured warm water into the pellets to make them swell. These particular pellets took a while to swell up. We went on a little walk while we waited....;)

He planted 6 "early girl" and 6 "jelly bean" (small tomatoes)...
Using a toothpick to place seeds in dirt...

Then he placed the lid on top and put it up on the fridge. I have no idea why but I can ask him if anyone needs to know...

About 4 days later we had about half of the plants poking up...

Now it's time for lights. A little frame with two flourescent lights above in a COOL place will do it...

And now a week later...

This is the first installment of Randy's Garden Growing Guide. Go plant some seeds and look for more to come...

P.S. We do not claim to be expert gardeners. Follow along at your own risk...


Melinda said...

That's pretty cool! We have the garden growing bug down here too. We'll have to do a post on it sometime. We don't know too much about it, but it sure is fun to pretend ;o)

AmyB said...

Great how-to post! I tried the pellets one year, but they didn't work as well as yours seemed to. I just bought some herbs and veggie plants today! Can't wait to get them in the ground...if it ever warms up here.

Joellyn said...

I have to admit I'm always a cheater and buy the already growing plants from Home Depot when I get around to it. We are quite a bit warmer down here so I thought about getting them planted this weekend, but alas, it snowed. That's April for ya!

Glacier Lily said...

Hi, nice post... I am going to try one I saw. The plastic thingys costco sells apples in are a good tray for starting plants. I'm going to start using mine for my starters. You can shut the lid or start plants on both sides... c'mon spring...!