Memorial Day-Lake Koocanusa

We met Ryan, Jeannie and family for the day last Monday at Lake Koocanusa.

Lake Koocanusa and the Libby Dam were completed in 1972 as a joint project between the United States and Canada in an effort to provide flood protection and to generate hydroelectric power. The Kootenai River fluctuated wildly in the spring causing flooding in Montana, Idaho and British Columbia. Lake Koocanusa received its name in a contest to name the Libby Dam reservoir. A lady from Rexford, Montana, combined the first three letters from KOOtenai River, and the first three letters of CANada and USA. The lake is 90 miles long extending up into Canada and is up to 370 feet at maximum depth.*

We spent a relaxing morning on the boat fishing and roaming around the south end of the lake. Here is one of the catches for the day!
And the kids got to do a little fishing...
Lane admiring a fish that his Daddy caught...
Colter holding the line...
Waiting for a big one...
Grandpa Larry, we thought and talked about you and wondered at what place you would have been working/eating/sleeping, back in 1964, hundreds of feet below us in the forests and town that was covered up by the waters of the reservoir. The kids weren't quite sure if they like thinking of a town being way down there... At one point, the guys were talking about seeing a "school of fish" down below on the depth finder and Kyla was sure they were talking about seeing a "school" down there. ;) (I tried to find some information on this little town of Worland that was covered up by the reservoir in 1972 but I'm afraid it got completely washed right off the map...)

We had to dock for awhile because of a little squall that came up. A little thunder and rain. So here we are staying dry...
Kyla enjoying her book...
In the afternoon, the kids and I vacated the boat and we understand the boat was very quiet and peaceful. Lane and Morgan fell asleep, Jeannie read a book and the brothers spent uninterrupted time fishing, and visiting.

And what were we doing on the shore? Here is a little peek, and I'll tell you one thing... we were NOT taking naps... or sitting still... or being quiet...



We were up here running off a lot of excess energy...

And they were way down there in the boat enjoying a quiet, peaceful ride...(do you see the boat to the left of Maya in the picture below?)
Yes, there they are! Do you think they will come back and pick us up?
I don't think so! ;)
We also enjoyed walking along the dam and playing on the new awesome playground structure. We ended our time together with a quick barbecue supper and headed home. Thanks R and J for another fun time together! Here are a few more pics from our time.

Hope you enjoy these Grandpa Larry and Grandpa Steve. We know you both spent time in these areas and it was fun to spend a little time there too.

Have a GREAT week!

* information from


Wrena said...

Great Time!

The last Hoversland/Kolden family reunion I attended was held there!

Ryan said...

What neat pictures!! We sure enjoyed our time together again! We love being so much closer. Have a good week!

Gram and Gramp Q said...

We love all these fun pictures, thanks for sharing!!

Lani said...

What a great weekend you had. My boys love fishing, but Craig and I aren't much by way of fisherman. Maybe I should send them out to you. ;) Love those pictures of them looking out at the lake.

Anonymous said...

Hopped to your blog from someplace else (as I do) and found your post about Koocanusa. We spend our summer Saturdays at Kook too - from the Canadian end. We live about 40 minutes from the lake and it's a favourite spot to go. We drive over it some Sundays on our way to meeting way out in the bush. Have you ever met any of the 50+ folks that camp there for a week in August?

Debbie Olson

Alison said...


Great to get your comment. It's fun to see who is stopping by while blog hopping!

I don't believe I have met any of the 50+ folks that come in August but I know my parents have. Are you one of them or do you know them? Great to meet you someday!

Unknown said...

Hummm.... how many times have I been to or by Lake Koocanusa and never new how it got it's name!!! Thanks for the history lesson! :)