Plant Potatoes-Check!

We had lots of help with planting the potatoes. Now they are all in the ground and we're just waiting to see that little cluster a fat green leaves burst up through the dirt.

Here is Randy cutting up some of our potatoes left over from last year as seed. We have done it every year since we first had a garden and it always amazes me that it works...

It's a dirty job, I tell you... but, this guy doesn't mind one bit!

This guy really doesn't mind either...
And this Mom tries not to mind but I had two loads of dirt laden jeans this week instead of just one.

And I'm hoping the washing machine doesn't mind either...


Carin said...

Great fun. But the fun really comes when you get to dig up new potatoes. Great job!

All American Family said...

How fun...looking forward to watching your garden grow. ;)