10 of 52: Flashback May 1997

It was 12 years ago that we became engaged. So I thought I would post this picture (taken from our wedding scrapbook)for this weeks challenge.* I laugh now as I look at this silhouette picture of us. When someone suggested we display it on our guest book table at our wedding, I turned a little pink, thinking of people seeing us being "kissy" and all. I believe I turned several shades of red when we actually kissed in front of all those people at our wedding! Now after 12 years of being "kissy" with my husband and 3 kids, it doesn't bother me much anymore.

Here is the story of our engagement in order to record it for memory failure in our later years...

We met at Bible Study in November of 1995 after he moved to this area, accepting his first job after college. I was going to the local community college at the time. We began dating a couple months later. After one and a half years of dating, talking on the phone every day and seeing each other nearly every day, I began to wonder if he was ever going to ask me to marry him. We talked about getting married a few times but that's about as far as it would go. When people asked me where I was headed after I finished school at the community college, I would say "I'll probably go on to school in Idaho (my parents were living there at he time) or to the U of M and get my degree in accounting." Despite all my childhood ambitions to become a teacher, a pilot, a horse trainer, and on and on, there is one ambition that weighed out all of the rest. It was the ambition to be a wife and a mother. And I knew this was the man I wanted to be a wife too.

As the weeks sped by and the day of my graduation loomed closer, I realized that I really needed to make my plans for the next year. I began looking at colleges and half heartedly packing up my stuff from the place were I lived, in order to move in with my parents for the summer. The weeks of year-end-projects and finals and the spring busyness kept me going and it was with much delight that I looked forward to spending a quiet evening with my boyfriend at one of our favorite restaurants on Friday night. It was a little chinese place and we quietly talked about our week but avoided any discussions of future days.

All too soon, the waiter brought our fortune cookies on a little tray. We each took our cookie, broke it open and exchanged our slips of paper so the other could read it. It was a little ritual we had adopted whenever we ate at a place that handed out fortune cookies. I took the slip of paper he handed me and opened it up and read it. It said "Will you marry me?" I looked up at him in alarm as if to say, "do you know that this says?!"... and he was smiling. I said "are you serious?"... and he nodded his head. So I said "yes...of course!..."

I have no idea what the other fortune cookie said. Maybe something like, "take time for the things that really matter most", or "you will see many of those you love in a few months", or "your plans are about to change for the better". They did change for the better. I did move to my parents for the summer and spent my days getting ready for our wedding that was scheduled for the end of August. I never did go on to more college, but I can still say "it was for the better." Good fortune was smiling down on us that day.

Forever In Blue Jeans
*52 Weeks is a year long challenge for YOU to be in a picture once a week for 52 weeks. We are always the ones behind the camera, this is YOUR chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family. We are glad you are joining this challenge. More importantly your family will really enjoy having you in the picture. Thanks for playing along! Oh, you can just jump in now with 1 of 52, you're not getting off that easy! Now go take a picture!


Traci K said...

Awww...that's a sweet story! Congratulations on the engagement date. 12 years goes by fast, huh?!

Shasta said...

Congratulations! I love the sunset picture, just beautiful!

Darcie said...

Okay Dear Alison, there needed to be a warning at the top of your post to go grap a kleenex. Your post had me tearing up! What a truly special courtship and engagement story.

I think the picture of you both in the sunset is beautiful...maybe it is framed today and sitting by your guestbook?

I am begining to think I might know who you all are, but don't want to give to much info away on blog comments. I will just keep following along with your blog and see if I really figure it out someday. Its been fun getting to know you and your family through this venue.

The Parsons Family said...

It was great to read your story. I have never heard it before. I enjoy your blog and all your pictures.

Ryan said...

What a neat story! How is it I've never heard it before!?!

Hope you're enjoying some beautiful sunny weather too!

Benjamin Ranch said...

That is such a sweet story...you and Randy are such a special couple.

Carin said...

Ah, that was such a wonderful story! I really like the silhoutte picture. Very pretty.

Dale or Bonnie said...

I guess we should actually say, yes... I will stay married to you... hopefully with the same intensity and excitement, as each new year comes and goes. You 2 are a very special couple to us.

Melinda said...

Thanks for sharing this story again. I had forgotten parts of it. I was so busy trying to survive my first year of college in Missoula, I think I was pretty disconnected from your world at the time. I feel bad for that. We should exchange more stories from that year sometime :o)

Kate said...

Congrats on 12 years! I love flashbacks, and it is always fun to hear how people met. Thanks for sharing it with us. :)
I also love your post for Friday. Those pictures are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

This is a very special page in your book. Thanks for sharing the story, too... I can tell you were meant to be together. Congratulations on the years... they go so fast.

Joellyn said...

Cute to hear your story :) I have to give cousin Randy props for being pretty clever.

The J's said...

What a special post! Always look forward to seeing your pictures, and love your story. Wow, how clever of him!

Kat said...

Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. I love to hear the history about how people met, their courtship and engagement. Especially of those with happily ever after. Far too many sad beginnings and endings out there.

Lani said...

Awww... you married a "romantic", eh? I have to say ours was much less so. Probably my fault, though. Long story. Loved reading your engagement "flashback" story. Pretty sweet.