Repotting Tomatoes

So, it's been about 3.5 weeks now since we started our tomato seeds. Now they are getting big enough to replant into bigger containers. We just grab some white paper cups out of the cupboard, stab a hole in the bottom with a knife, fill them with a little potting soil and place each little plant in a cup...
Now Randy packs dirt in around each one,
waters them,
and places them back under the lights. On nice sunny days, we take them out and put them on the picnic table during the day...
They are growing faster now. We keep watering them and moving the lights up a little to allow for their growth...
Coming up this week: Tilling, Planting our first row of potatoes, maybe spinach and onions.

Freezing temps and heavy frost here during the night still so not much else is going on...


Carin said...

Those look so great. The names on those look great... jelly beans, too cute!

HrdWrknmn said...

Beautiful tomaotes, and a happy belated mother's day to you too. I love the Mother-in-law poem.

Anonymous said...

Hey we use the white paper cup method here too! Looks wonderful. Great to see you guys last night, we'll have to get together again soon!

Melinda said...

Thanks for the motivation in the gardening department. We hope to get most of ours in this coming Sat. Hope it's not too soon!