Flowers For Friday

I had a very fun hour or so the other day walking around our yard and taking pictures of our flowers. I ended up with about 18 pictures that I really liked so I thought I would share them in 3 different posts. Look forward to more Flowers For Friday!

This little segment of pictures comes from the very front of our house. These flowers are planted in my 5 big pots...

These little purple flowers are tiny! I was SO surprised to enlarge this picture and see a little fly on the petal of the flower in the middle. Do you see him?
Unfortunately this is not a great picture and does not do these Verbena justice. I think these are my new favorite flowers! They are just beautiful...
And here is a couple pictures of a blooming bush near the pots. It is a Spiraea and we have 5 of them in the landscaping in front of our house and they are in full bloom right now...
The awesome thing about these bushes is, when we go hiking up in Glacier Park, these bushes are abundant along the hiking trails...
They make for a beautiful hike!

All for today,

Have a great weekend!