Baby Chicks

This time we decided to go with all one kind of chicken. At the store we ended up with 13 blackstar and one buff cochin ( a pet for Kyla).

I had to go back and look at this post. Wow, how the kids have changed since our first batch of little chicks we got in April 2007. But they were as excited as if it was the first time to get chickens ever! So far all the new baby chicks are doing fine.


Heather S said...

how cute and exciting!! we got chicks last year (100 - split amongst my hubby's family).. our kids LOVED it!

gkey said...

Dear Chicka,
I love these pix of chix and kids!
We have 11 laying hens and 1 rooster. The kiddos keep wanting babies and we need to go see what there is.
Fond of chix
in NE