On the New Edge of Springtime

Buds, bugs and blooms on our Northwood Maple Tree

On the new edge of springtime when I stand on the front porch shading my eyes from the weak morning light, sniffling out a tinge of green on the hill and the scent of yawning earthworms, oh, boy, then! I roll like a bear out of hibernation. The maple buds glow pink, the forsythia breaks into it's bright yellow aria. These are the days when we can't keep ourselves indoors around here.

~excerpt from
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life, by Barbara Kingsolver

Don't forget to go to THE LAST POST and leave your comments for a chance to win 2 fun giveaway prizes! Some have had problems leaving comments. Please try and go to the bottom of the post and click on the "visits on the front porch" link. It should put you right into the comment page. If it doesn't work please email me at randy-alison-h@juno.com and I will add a comment for you. Also, every person in a family is welcome to comment. I will post the winners on Tuesday evening!

Have a great week everyone!


Darcie said...

Don't you just LOVE watching spring come to life!

gkey said...

Dear SpringLadyOfTheNorth,
I have enjoyed watching Spring come to life on the mid-western prairie more this year than ever before. It is brilliant with vivid color and you can see, smell, hear, taste, and feel it happening! I think it is our shortest season, so it seems I appreciate it more!
sensing Spring to the fullest

Glacier Lily said...

This entry doesn't have so many entry's, so... I'll leave one. Our trees are still just buds. No blossoms. I love the new blossoms like those in the spring!

Kat said...

I am wondering what that is? It doesn't look like anything around here.

Alison said...

Kat, it's a opened up bud on our Northwood Maple tree. :)