Mommy's Helpers

This is something I really want to remember about this time in my life...

Yesterday I had to get out the camera and take a picture of my three little helpers in the kitchen. They are by my side more and more often these days. All to often in the past, I have shooed them out of the kitchen so I can move about more easily but as they get older, I have found there is more and more they can do to help and I've been surprised that more hands make lighter, and faster, meal preparation!

Kyla has been helping me for quite a long time now. Her favorite thing to do for lunch on sunday is mash the potatoes and whip the cream. I often have her make salad which isn't her favorite thing to do. Yesterday she got to help set the table.

Colter helps peel potatoes and usually helps set the table. Yesterday he wanted to help with whipping the cream too. He also had Kyla teach him how to mash the potatoes.

Maya said she wanted to make the salad yesterday since Kyla wasn't so crazy about doing it. Here she is washing the grapes for the fruit salad. Later she cut up the rest of the fruit.

This may seem like a bit of a bragging post but my true motive it only to remember my children at this stage in life and to encourage others to get their kids in the kitchen no matter what age they are!

I seek not to impress but to inspire. -author unknown

Have a BIG day wherever you are,


The J's said...

Great post! Wonderful to have kids help in the kitchen. I find it amazing how many "kids" grow up to be "adults" without knowing how to do simple kitchen and cooking tasks! The best time to have them start helping is when they are little and WANT to--and no this is not necessarily the most convenient time for us to let them.

All American Family said...

I find myself shooing my kids out of the kitchen so often too. But over the last month or so I have started letting them do more. I've realized if I don't let them start now while they want to, they may lose that desire later then I'll be the real loser. Lia LOVES to put the clean silverware away. She can even bring the step stool over to the drawer herself now. Jacob likes to bring the rest of the dishes out of the dishwasher to me so I can put them up in the tall cabinets. It's great bonding time for us. I'm glad you posted these pictures as it's made me realize I need to get some photos of my kids helping.

Melinda said...

Very inspiring - thank you!

Heather S said...

sweet post. I agree with Kristen- i often shoo them away, but there's no better time than right now, while their young to help and learn.