Hospital Memories

Our hospital stay was wonderful but it's great to be home again as a family. Thanks to all the visitors and gifts! We are spoiled! :)

I spent this week adjusting to my "new" life. :) We're all having to do a little adjusting. :) One thing is for sure... we sure have a sweet, content little girl. I really plan on writing more about her later.

For now, I need to get ready to load up the entire family, including Dad, and head to town for some much needed groceries and things. I tried to do some on my own with Maya and Melita yesterday and it didn't work so well... lol! So yes, we are sloooowly adjusting to this new life...

Have a great weekend,


Wrena said...

:) precious to hear from you. I do remember starting a few journey with the same thing in mind. Help and time make things possible and before ya know it it'll all be a blur that ya managed to to make it through... And your doing it all ever so graceful. Grateful for Helpers that pitch in for those of us that would like to... Keep up the good work mom

Heather S said...

doing some catch up on blogs :)
adorable lil girl!!! (I forgot your close to L and A) i remember the 'adjusting' days. but somehow we all survived them :)

Raimie said...

Dear Adjusting Alison,
Those days are so amazing... the trying to get everybody out the door clean clothes, diapers, and food in their tummy when they need it... the extra baggage... everyone trying to fit into their old spot but make room for the new baby too...

Wow! No wonder we always feel pretty tired during that time... But we feel blessed too, don't we? To be watching such a wonderful event in our family and to be part of it all.

They are lucky to call you "Mama".

*sniff-Sniff* Memories in NE

Lani said...

What was that? Sorry, I totally got distracted by the baby. ;)

Melinda said...

Such sweet pictures. That's one thing we never had was visitors in the hospital - nice to share in your experience there.

Too funny about trying to get groceries with the baby. I just had to chuckle. Last week a large smiley lady from the Albertson's bakery came over, folded down the top of her dirty apron, held out her arms to take my crying baby. I was hesitant at first, but then realized I better take her up on the offer, or my shopping was over! That sweet lady carried Monte up and down the isles with me and right thru the check out. Wow, what a life saver!

Renea Jo Zosel said...

Hugs and love from us!! 4 is always interesting!
Melinda's post made me remember a time we were eating at a Kiku's Tempura House in the U district when Elizabeth was little... The Japanese Grandpa/Father of the Owner held crying Elizabeth while we ate... He wandered all around the little shop with her... and she eventually love it ;-)