I Have A New Boss

No longer do I get to make my own decisions and do my own thing.

I can't even think for myself anymore.
I have a new boss.
This new boss tells me when I can sleep and when I can eat.
This boss tells me how long I can spend at the grocery store and whether or not I will get to finish my last errand in town before I need to head home.
She lays around all day while I work from sun up to sun down.
Sometimes she stays up all night and expects me to stay up with her.
She gets pampered while I clean up all the messes.
Everyone talks softly and sweetly to her and she turns around and screams at me.
She demands food.
She demands sleep.
She demands undivided attention.
Sometimes she wants noise and sometimes she wants it completely quiet.
Sometimes she wants activity around her and sometimes she wants to be left alone.
And she won't tell us what she wants, we're just supposed to figure it out for ourselves.
She can be emotional and moody.
She scolds me when I eat things she doesn't think I should eat or go places that she doesn't think I should go.
She makes me drop everything I'm doing and answer her every beck and call.
And sometimes I don't get around to answering her right away, and that doesn't make her happy! Not at all!
She makes it difficult to keep up with my daily routine like showering, running kids to school, making meals, helping kids with homework, etc. because she thinks her needs are the most important.
It's funny how she just came into our house one day and took over.
She can be bossy like that, this new boss.

And she's the sweetest little thing EVER to have around, even if she is a little bossy at times.
She happens to be the best boss I've ever had with the exception of 3 other little bosses I've had over the years. *smile*

Enjoying *almost* EVERY moment with "my new boss",


Wrena said...

It made me laugh, it made me grateful, it made me think, and it made me realize....

glad you shared!

Paige's Parents said...

Heehee! Love the post. Can I copy and paste to my blog? I'll just need to remove the "s" from she. My new boss sounds alot like your new boss! Can't wait for our bosses to meet each other.

The J's said...

It's amazing how things have to change and just revolve around them! Enjoy every minute of it--soon it will have to start rotating in the opposite direction and you'll be teaching her that life dosen't revolve around her! It's such a cycle, isn't it!

Aleta said...

Way cute! Love the poem and the picture too!

Melinda said...

Oh man, can I relate! You put it down so perfectly! It's a good thing these bosses are so cute and cuddly and that our hearts just burst with love for them, because they do tend to take over every aspect of our daily/nightly living!

Alison said...

Yes, Brenda, feel free to copy and paste and take away the s's! Can't wait to see your little guy!

tjp said...

True words, Alison. Amazing how these little people teach us and change us (for the better)!