April Company

Not only did we get to go on some trips in April, we also got to have some company. Loren was one of the first people to see and hold Little Lita at the hospital. Then he left on a trip to visit Hawaii and some other Pacific Islands. He had just gotten back not long before he came to stay with us so he really noticed how she had grown and changed.

The picture below shows Loren showing us his pictures from his trip...
Lita likes to be cuddled and she will often go to sleep in our arms. It was so cute when Justin was holding her this evening and she just fell asleep...
Here is Loren and the kids walking to the bus one morning. They also enjoyed going on a run/bike ride with Justin one day after school...

Can't believe it is the 10th of May already. A beautiful day today! We encounter joy and sorrow all along the way. Just feeling so thankful that there is help every single day.

Stay encouraged!


Melinda said...

Wow! Some really neat pics in these last two posts. Love how the kids get so attached to the workers. A couple days ago in the car, Boyd randomly asks from the back seat, "Where's my friend Eric?" He just so happens to be finishing the second half of Loren's over-seas tour!

The J's said...

Looks like some special days!

Nyla said...


You do such a nice with your blog and I enjoy following along. It was nice to see the photos of Loren and Justin with your kids. I always enjoy the Montana scenery, too. Thanks for sharing, Allison.

Nyla Coleman