I've Got Your Back

Back to School ~ August 2011

The kids are mostly excited to return to school this year and with their loaded back packs and first-day-of-school smiles, we headed out the door this morning. I'm happy for the return to routine, the excitement and newness of these first days of school. And the learning, so many new and exciting things to know and do!

I can't help but feel sad too. Last night as I was getting ready to go to bed I wrote down some of my feelings. I just thought I would share it because I want to remember this as we go through this new year...

With each school year that passes (this will be my sixth year to send them off) I realize more what these days will be like. As this school year approached, I felt like I was getting ready to return to the battle. So many thing we face, so many things to overcome, so many fears and struggles along the way. The last months have felt like a rest, a peaceful calm, a time to prepare and to be encouraged onward.

So now we all must return to the fray. "We", because although I am not on the "front lines", I must keep the supply lines going. This may be as important, if not more so. Just supplying their little needs. My desire is that I would have an endless supply of patients, love, encouragement, compassion, understanding, and all the other things my little soldiers need to get the victory in their days, weeks, months ahead.

When any experience, either good or bad, brings us to our knees, it can be considered a good thing. I want to be willing for it again... to go forward, knowing that as I have my needs supplied, I can supply the needs of those who depend on me. Victories and defeats will come but we will bravely go onward.



Ethel said...

love your blog and your words of wisdom..love your thought about keeping the "supply lines going.."

Aleta said...


They need our help!

Jenny said...

Alison, thanks for your comment on my blog the other day! I guess I've let it fall by the wayside lately. Maybe with the cooler weather I'll have more time to update it? Anyway, I looked for you on facebook and couldn't find you anymore. Keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

Happy school days! LOVED this post.

Melinda said...

Very well put. Oh to be willing to get on my knees before I am brought to my knees. But thankful for the times I am brought there too. I'm sure I will see some of those this year. Enjoyed your thoughts very much!

Anna said...

Your essay paints a good picture of what it is to be a mom! On the sidelines, often unnoticed, but oh-so-vital! Your children will reap what you sow! <3