Colter Toast

It's his favorite breakfast. One morning he made it all by himself and surprised me. Now we call it "Colter Toast". The recipe is well known but his is special for other reasons. Here's the recipe...
Here's the reasons this recipe is special. The heart cookie cutter shape is for Valentines day coming up. And this toast is extra yummy when made with homemade bread. And we use coconut oil! If you don't know about coconut oil... take 5 minutes and google it. It's worth the time and I think you'll understand why we are using it in all our cooking these days.

Oh, and I love our little chef's 'almost laugh' in this picture. He really didn't want to smile but I got it outta him in the form of making him laugh! :)

Hope you'll try this easy, quick, nutritiously loaded breakfast soon,


Melinda said...

Is there anything so handsome as that smile! A real heart-warmer! You're a good chef Colter. Will you come to my house and show Tyler how to make these?

Benjamin Ranch said...

Great Grandpa Clarence used to like to make these for himself. I don't know if he used heart shaped cutouts though!

tjp said...

That's a fave at our house, too. Cute!

Anonymous said...

Some of my kids like this, too. We call them 'toad in the hole' breakfasts. :) Really enjoy your posts and pictures. Penny Parsons