The Views

It's a beautiful world out there again this morning. Looking from the front porch, the views are amazing and I'm soaking it up. I've been thinking about "this front porch" a lot lately... actually my blog, you know, From This Front Porch. I started this blog way, way back in April of 2007 so I'm finishing my 6th year as a blogging mama, sharing the details of our life with family, friends and who knows who?

I started my blog as a way to share the goings on of our life with said friends and family and as a way to chronically detail our life as it was happening, so someday we could remember it all. I also started throwing in some pictures from the past from month to month for added amusement . I soon ventured out on the paths of Blogland and began meeting other bloggers, like myself. This made for a very long blog list and the fun of entering into the varied lives of so many wonderful people who I can now call friends. And to meet a handful of them in person has been the icing on the cake. :)

Speaking of cake, somewhere along the way, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite recipes and soon I started a separate picture recipe blog. Others joined in too, and it's been a great source for good, tried and true, quick recipe references. Recipe books and cards are almost a thing of the past for me, although I do still use them sometimes.

Another benefit to blogging has been the ability to dive into photography and photo editing and then sharing the finished products with My life, and all that is around me, and everything I enjoy, I somehow want to share it. It's been fun.

And then there is the writing and journaling that I have enjoyed. Let's face it, being a SAHM doesn't offer many opportunities to keep your writing, spelling, typing, and language skills sharp. Most days, I feel completely dry on wit and with no sense of humor, let alone anything worth while to say. I often trip over my own sentences, but... it has been good to keep writing and... thinking.

I promised myself that I would never post anything that would bring regrets later, whether negative, controversial, self promoting, bragging or otherwise. I also didn't want it to be a place were my loved ones would come and I would be asking them to buy something or give something. I want people to leave my blog with a smile, not a feeling of guilt, or frustration, or annoyance. I have erased a few posts that didn't fit my criteria. I do however like to share things I have found useful or enjoyable, things I think other people would like to know about.

My latest blog diversion has been to share tutorials of things I have done. It's been fun to see these tutorials on other blogs and I've been captivated by so many. Usually easy, quick and inexpensive, these ideas and tutorials have been a life saver to me. So, every once and while, I like to share something with you...
...coming soon!

As I start this new year, I reminded about priorities. I have such a tendency to let these things (blogging and projects) that I enjoy doing, take my time up when I should be more concerned with other things that are way more important. It's just a struggle I have. I know what brings REAL joy and peace into my life. And I know THAT is what I want!

So, that's the views... from this front porch.

As always,

P.S. Today marks day twelve chocolate free! It feels good.


Anonymous said...

Alison, you really are a beautiful person. I hope you know that. It really comes out in your writing and I enjoy checking your blog several times a week.


Betty Figarelle

Alison said...

Whoops! I just realized that I have been blogging for almost 6 years, not 5 years! I guess my SAHM brain needs to brush up on some math skills too!

Thanks Betty. Glad you enjoy stopping by. ;)

Anonymous said...

Though we've never met, I've followed your blog for awhile by following the link on a friend's blog, and I always love to read what you've shared. I know your cousin in central Illinois, was with her last weekend, and she told me I need to comment on here, so here I am!

Darcie said...

I always love my visits to your front porch. Someday I hope to sit there in person...until then...thanks for your post Alison!

Aikande said...

Alison, your blog is one of the few I take time to enjoy...and I always leave with a smile. You inspire me. You are such a sweet mom, and a talented and creative woman. If I had a blog, I'd want it to be like yours! Thanks for sharing your beautiful, and very real, world with us! xo Celia