
...one berry, two berry, pick me a blueberry...

Here is another picture from the past. This was sometime in 2005. It make me smile and turn a little weepy eyed. In 2005 I see picture after picture like this. The love and tenderness between these two. The admiration in little brothers eyes, watching his sister. Her love and patients for him.

Now-a-days... they have a few differences and they do get on each others nerves once and a while. Sometimes they have to be reminded to get along. Sometimes they need to be reminded how lucky they are to have each other. But for the most part they are very close, just not "laying on the couch and looking at a book together" close.

After Kyla learned to read she would read stories to Colter and then Maya too. I can't believe that all three of them are reading now, all by themselves. How fast time goes by and things change... mostly for the good. But I miss these days a lot.

Happy Saturday,


Anonymous said...

This photo and memory will only get more precious as the years pass. As parents we love seeing the closeness and love between our children. It means so much to us. When it begins as children, I have great hopes that it will continue into adulthood! These days go by just way too fast, I agree!

Darcie said...

awwww...I totally understand the feelings of a momma in this post. Glad you captured those precious moments in a picture!

Melita Stafford said...

Hi! Thanks for introducing yourself on my blog! I am totally excited to hear about another Melita! I've never met or heard of one until now, this is great! Originally, I was named "Malita"(no pronunciation difference) until a brother worker informed us that the meaning was less than lovely in Spanish: little bad girl. =) So the "a" was changed to an "e" and now it's more Greek with a "honey sweet" connotation. My mom knew a girl in college with the name, so that's where my handle came from. =)

I took a quick peek around your blog and look forward to seeing more. Lovely family you have, and you do a beautiful job capturing it on camera! =) Nice to meet you!