A Letter From Lita

A toddling little girl is a center of common feeling
which makes the most dissimilar people understand each other.
~George Eliot


So, I'm 15 months old now you know.  Most of you have watched me grow up and pretty much know everything about me 'cause my Mommy has told you every detail of my life I'm sure.  Pretty soon you'll be hearing about the whole potty training gig.  Oh brother...

Speaking of "brother".  Do you want to know about my brother and my sisters?  It's only fair that I get to say a few things about them too, right?  Anyway, I have them all wrapped around my little finger and I'm pretty much the center of their world.  They are so fun and life is so boring when they are at school but Mommy always seems more calm when they are at school but still... I wish they were home all the time to play with me.  I'll have to try and arrange that soon.  Otherwise I try to keep Mommy hopping myself by drawing on the wall with the markers my brother and sisters leave out, playing in the toilets when the bathroom doors get left open, and reaching for the knives when Mommy opens the dishwasher to unload it.  I do take a little break for a nap in the afternoon, right after Mommy and I look at a book together.  I JUST don't care about naps though!  Anyway, back to my sisters and brother...

My biggest sister babysits me and she brings me outside a lot which I really like.  Sometimes, when I really want to go outside, I yell her name down the stairs "DY-YA, DY-YA", just like Mommy does. 

My big brother cuddles me and laughs at me when I scrunch up my nose at him. He lets me play with his big kid toys all the time.  He likes sticks and rocks and sand and SO DO I!  I just call him "Doe-Toe".

My other sister makes me scream. ALOT. But I still like her a lot.  We play babies together and she giggles and giggles.  I like to hear her giggle and it makes me happy inside.  She is my "My-Yah"!

When Mommy says "It's time to go get the kids at school!"   I run over and try to pull my coat off the coat rack and then fuss until my Mommy helps me and then I wait by the door for her.  It is what I wait for every day!

But the absolute BEST part of my day is when my Daddy cuddles me before bed and gives me my "baw-bie" full of warm milk.  After my Mommy puts on my pajama's I start my "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" chant and then EVERYONE know's it's time for Daddy and my "baw-bie".  After I'm done, Mommy carries me to my bed and cuddles me and  then I can't go to bed fast enough. I bury myself in my soft blankies and fall fast asleep. 

I have heard my Mommy and Daddy talk to each other about me. They say that they don't want to spoil me too much and it would be easy to do... so they are trying to be careful about it and stuff, but... I don't see anything wrong with being spoiled*. Do you?

oh-tay bye-bye,
Lita Girl

*SPOILED (adj.) overindulged: willful or selfish because of having been overindulged. Overindulged is to much. Is it possible to spoil me by giving me to much attention, to much love, to much affection, to much care and concern and cuddles? I think not. ♥


Heather said...

how sweet! Looks like the skirts turned out good too! Good Job! Cant wait to see her in a few days!

MaryAnn said...

Oh that is so so cute!!! Hard to believe Lita is that old already. wow!

Very cute skirts and darling picture :)

Mo said...

How precious! Loved this post and video and was touched again by how much JOY she has brought to your family and lots of others too!!