1.a snuggle pom-pom wreath from the craft room (thanks for the idea Tammia!) 2.a letter to Lane 3."merry everything and happy always" 4.a new antler mount on the wall of a woman who thought she would never allow such things in the house but I'm totally okay with them now (kinda proud of my man and all ;) 5.killing time at the coffee shop while Kyla is at the dentist 6.a perfect wagon for her blocks-thrift store, $7 and a vintage treasure! 7.Randy and Colter roofing the chicken run 8.cutting out fleece bears sewing project for Colter's class 9.sunshine outside, snowflakes inside 10.holiday card stuffing help 11.our first holiday card of the season! 12.she's usaully right where I need to be 13.Grandpa Alva and Grandma Ruth old time picture(their old truck and thier farm in the background) 14.empty pots and no snow on the ground this early December 15.Lita's "aaah keen" :)
♪♫ It's the most wonderful time of the year... ♫♪
Well, ONE of the most wonderful times of the year...
Why? Because...
-We're looking forward to company and special meeting this weekend.
-We get to see more family soon!
-The kids get 2 weeks off school.
-Randy is taking a week off work(hopefully).
-Concerts, parties, and all manner of celebrations coming our way.
-A trip if the weather cooperates.
-Crafts, cooking, being cozy by the fire.
and last but not least...
-only 26 more days without Chocolate!
(My husband and kids think we should have a chocolate party on New Years Day. I think that might be overdoing it a little. I thought they were suggesting it in honor of my great and notable accomplishment of surviving the year without chocolate, but then I realized how much THEY have all missed having chocolate around the house this year. Maybe we WILL have to think about a party... :)
Happy December!