All Is Well...

Hello from Northwest Montana.
We had a wonderful time, a few weeks ago, visiting our friends Madison, Emma and Naomi,
at one of the most beautiful and peaceful places on earth. :)

It's been colder, and rainier and snowier since then.
But that's part of Northwest Montana in April.
And, it sounds like its part of lots of other places too.

So, all is well.
Sending "well" wishes to all,
Alison and family

I've enjoyed the thought lately that the God's Word holds the best advise for us in whatever situations we are going through in life.  
We just have to be willing to do a little digging and a little begging...

I love this verse today.
"A soft answer turneth away wrath..." ~Prov. 15:1
And it seems like I can use a constant reminder of that.

1 comment:

amylin said...

Really neat picture, Alison, of your sunshines in the sunshine. Glad all is well... :)