The Good and the Not-So-Good.

some of our "good" on Easter morning

As I sit here tonight, listening to the loud hum of fans and dehumidifier, I'm reminded that life is full of the good, the bad and the ugly.

The good is... it's spring break, the kids are having fun, we've had beautiful days one right after another.  Lots of sunny outdoor time, bike rides, trampoline jumping, sliding and swinging!  You get the picture :)

The bad is discovering that there is a leaking valve behind the fridge that has slowly leaked inside the wall and under the floor for, who knows how long.  The bad is also having to call the insurance agent to make a claim, to call Service Master, to call the floor re-installers, the plumber, the adjuster again, and again, and again.  The bad is hanging around in the house waiting for the above mentioned "service persons" to come and go as they figure estimates and begin their work.

The ugly is seeing big holes cut in the freshly painted walls and the brand-new, recently installed floors being ripped up, piece by piece by piece...(sigh)

Such is life.

Hope all are enjoying spring break whenever and wherever you have it!

P.S. ... thank goodness for service persons, including my husband who is wearing the "plumber" hat this evening.  :)


Traci K said...

Oh Allison, how awful!! I like your floors! We just re-did ours in Jan. and I can't imagine having to tear all that up. Hang in there! Better days are ahead! Good picture of the kids (who seem to be taller than the last!). Funny how that happens!:)

The J's said...

Wow, so sorry about the bad & the ugly!! You're "good" is sure growing up, and cute too!

Melinda said...

Ugh! Sorry for the mess and the hassle! I hope they get it put back together soon and when you look back it only seems like a little bump in the road.

Yes, Tyler has been on Spring Break and we sure enjoyed our days. He goes back Monday and this Mama isn't really looking forward to that :( I could really use him here when the baby comes!

Jessie K said...

The bad and uglies sure are bad and ugly, aren't they? You're kids sure are adorable, though!

Aleta said...

So sorry to hear about the unfortunate happening. Hang in there!

amylin said...

What a great shot of your kiddos... standing on that beautiful floor. How disappointing to have to rip it back up. Hope things are back to beautiful by now!