Just PLUM* Yummy!

Remember a couple weeks ago we went out in the first snow and picked grapes, apples and plums?

Well, here is a post about the plums. Like Linda said, "No project is done until you've blogged about it." :)

After I pitted and simmered the plums, we pureed them in my nifty cone strainer and pestle. This tool is a MUST for fruit preserving!

And it's a MUST because it's easy for the kids to operate too!

Here is something new I did this year. After pureeing the plums, I made fruit leather. It is completely sugar free** and it is SO good! I can't leave it alone! Good thing I made LOTS of it.

I also made lots of plum jam and a few jars of plum sauce...

Here is a picture of the plums I froze for making fruit smoothies...

And here is some of the dried plums I made. They are the next best thing to the plum leather. They may have a bit more nutritional value as they haven't been cooked like the leather.

Plums are one of those food that I enjoy much more after it has been made into something else. It's not that I don't like fresh plums but I think it brings out so much taste after you dry or cook them. Now if only OUR plum tree would produce more just ONE plum ! Maybe next year...

* something superior or very desirable; especially
** no sugar added


Darcie said...

Smiling at the comment about "no projects done, until you blogged about it." Too funny...it feels that way, huh?

The J's said...

That looks awesome! I did wild plums into jelly. I feel that way about my grapes--if only MINE would produce!

Dale or Bonnie said...

well Alison, glad the plums ARE better after they were processed... especially after the taste test, I didnt think they had much flavor fresh. You are so industrious! Your grandparents wd be so proud of you!

Ryan said...

Great idea to make plum leather! I'll have to try that next year ... As always, great pictures!

Lani said...

Hmmm... maybe I'm gonna come and eat (I mean... live) with you this winter.