
It's that time of year again to start seeds. On May 8th, the gardener planted various tomato, cucumber, yellow squash and cantalope seeds to start...

He covered them and set them on the kitchen table for them to sprout...

After they sprouted, he moved them out to the garage under lights. Last night he moved them to white cups. There coming along nicely...

We woke to completely white frosted ground this morning. Still to early to plant most stuff yet.

The kids had an early out today so we're making PW's Oatmeal Crispies right now as I type (my poor kitchen...) and then we're headed out to plant some pansies.

Dirty Hands make us most happy,


gkey said...

dear Productive Messes,
Very nice beginnings of the Garden.
Very good choice for snack....
Very late frost, but I know, you are in the Far Northland!
Very Impressed

Anonymous said...

Beautiful start to your garden. Just the mention of frost in mid-May gives me a better appreciation for our cool, cloudy, but garden growing days. Can't wait to see your garden... it always looks so lovely.

Lani said...

Every year, I love watching your garden grow. I haven't gotten ours planted yet. I wonder if that will happen this weekend. Hope so!