A Light in the Window

A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.
~Denis Waitley

This time of year, nothing speaks louder than a bright light shining forth from a window on a cold dark night.

Sometimes I paste on a smile; but a smile that radiates from within is so much more inviting to those around me. The colder and darker it is around me, the brighter and warmer my smile will be.


Raimie said...

Dear Warm Inside,
You have such a sweet way with words, Ali. Even if you don't use a lot of them on some posts, I always feel touched somehow by the rightness of the ones you chose.

Way Too Wordy in NE

P.S. Drooling over your card... am going to have to settle for ANOTHER far from perfect picture of my kids if I send one out this year. Well, you know me, "It's hardly Utopia around here!"

Andrea said...

Love the cards...they are just so sweet. The boys enjoy looking ours & pointing out their cousins!

Lynisha Weeda said...

Oohhhhh! Very nice cards and pictures!

Elissa & Logan said...

Wow, those are the most beautiful holiday cards i've seen yet! Love them!

gkey said...

Dear Looking through your window,

It is always a treat....as you can see I am spending the day doing it! And Yes, it IS so worth it!

Smiling And Wonderful Window views