40 & 7

Yes, the kids made sure we had 40 candles on that cake! And seven candles on a cupcake is quite a lot too!
Happy Birthday Randy and Maya!

Randy's 40th Birthday was last Friday and Maya's 7th Birthday was last Saturday. Of course, Randy already got his birthday present a few weeks ago. You can read about it here. Maya got her birthday present on Saturday (new bike) but we waited until Sunday to have the party for both of them because of a packed-full weekend. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for the party at your house. It made it extra special!

So our families cycle of birthday's is done for the year now. This next year will be different for us. Instead of Colter starting out the birthday cycle in July, it will be Lita's birthday that gets us rolling in February. Can you believe my kids are already looking forward to Valentine's Day 2012? Me?...not so much... (sniff, sniff)

Goodnight for now,


Ryan said...

That's a lot of smoke Randy!(: Happy birthday to both of you.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Raimie said...

Dear Bday mom,
I bet our seven year old girls would have a BLAST together! Happy birthday to both R and M!

Leave it to kids to always be jumping ahead faster than we would like! February is AGES away yet... right?! Please?!

I'm Next on The B-day Cycle in NE